Monday, June 30, 2014

Everyone has a Jesse Alexander in their life. Who's yours?

Good afternoon!

A Coworker of mine recently went to Summerfest, the world's largest music festival.  (If you haven't been, you should go.  It's running this week yet, so get your tickets and GO!)

Anyway, she was at the Luke Bryan concert and Florida Georgia Line was one of the other acts at the show.  (Seriously, how are you not going insane to get to Summerfest? EVERYONE performs there.  I mean EVERYONE!)  She sent me a Face Book message:  "I've Found my Jesse Alexander."

As a friend, I was laughing out loud.  As an author I was very proud. 

See, Jesse Alexander is the hero in my very first novel, Dream in Color.  He's a retired rock star.  He was once the hottest thing in music, the hottest thing everywhere, but the years passed and he retired.  Jesse comes out of retirement for one tour of the Upper Midwest  (because I'm an author and I'm supposed to write what I know...I know the Upper Midwest.) and that's where he meets Ramona, the heroine and slightly fluffy girl from Wisconsin.  And yes, there is a Summerfest moment, because that's how awesome Summerfest is.

Now, everyone who knows me knows that yes, I'm Ramona  (because we should write what we know and I know about being a slightly fluffy girl in her thirties.) and that MY Jesse Alexander is Rick Springfield.  (Who played at Summerfest last week...and I got to see the concert...see how amazing that is?)

This past Friday I was doing a book signing and a couple women came up in the course of the evening and told me they read and reread Dream in Color because they loved it.  I blushed, because that's what I do when people say nice things about my books, and I asked, "Who is your Jesse Alexander?"

One said Bon Jovi, which is the number one answer to that question, in case you wondered, and the other one said Pat Manahan, lead singer from the group Train.  Interesting that these women chose rock stars.  I've found, in the five years since Dream has been out, that most women admit to wild daydreams about rock stars.  If you looked at my list of favorite celebrities, it's silly with rock stars. There's just something about a musician that we women love.  I tell people I think it's because a singer is far more honest in his/her music than an actor is ever going to be acting.  Both are story tellers.  But the singer is telling a story about him/herself.  The actor is usually telling someone else's story.  Probably why so many actors have rock bands on the side.  (Russell Crowe, Kevin Bacon, Keanu Reeves, all have rock bands.)

So you have to ask yourself as a person, "Who is my Jesse Alexander?  Who is that one celebrity I've loved since forever and would probably lose the power of speech if he/she walked into the room?"  (For the record, when Dream came out, I was introduced to Rick Springfield and yes, I lost all power of speech.)

Need some inspiration to find out?  Hey, check out the book!  Just Click HERE!

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