Sunday, August 31, 2014


Good morning!

Several years ago (okay, more than 30) I started a book that eventually became my second novel, LIES IN CHANCE.  I loved those characters so much, mostly because they'd been with me just about all of my life.  An idea for a series of short stories about each of the characters has been in my brain for a long time, and I've been calling it "Songs from Rock Harbor."  Well, a few months ago, I completed the first novella, "Love is Elementary."  This is the romance of Drew and Joanna, two main characters from Lies in Chance.

As I delve into the second story in the series, hoping to get it finished this weekend, I thought I'd share a bit of "Love is Elementary" with you today.  (This is available on amazon, createspace, and for ALL reading devices on Smashwords (click here.)

I should tell you, this particular novella is definitely more of an inspirational romance than anything else.  While I don't write inspirational on purpose  (not yet anyway, but stay tuned!) I do stay true to my characters and those of you who have read Lies in Chance know that Drew and Joanna both have strong moral compasses and that the Rock Harbor community, especially the school teachers, are grounded in deep traditional values.  That said, drama still surrounds us, and as I wrote their story (something I really hadn't given a thought when I wrote Lies in Chance) I had to be true to them, their character, and their community.  


Drew set his brief case on the battered industrial sized desk and sighed. Not one often given to self-analysis, he wondered now if he should have his head examined.
          It was a good job. I left a perfectly good job, because I was an idiot about Rachel.  And now I’m the principal of…
          He looked out the window on the left side of the expansive classroom that now was his. Then he looked out the window on the right.
          I’m the principal of a cow pasture.
          He tapped the pocket of his dress shirt, a habit from his days as a collegiate smoker. No, you only get to smoke if you answer a really tough question.
          How about this? What the HELL am I doing here?
          “Careful, no swearing allowed here at Rock Harbor Community School.”
          Startled, Drew looked up from his reverie, eye to eye with possibly the most cheerful woman he had ever seen. “I’m sorry, did I say something?”
          The young woman at the door laughed. “No, but you sure looked like you wanted to. And from that dark look on your face, I’m bettin’ it wasn’t the Lord’s Prayer you had on your mind.” She crossed the room, walking right up to him without hesitation.
          Drew sighed. That’s right. I’m the principal of a practically parochial cow pasture now.
          “Joanna Huber. School secretary…and girls’ soccer coach…church organist next door at Rock Harbor Community Church. No affiliation to the school, except that everyone who lives in Rock Harbor attends services there.” She stuck her hand out.
          Drew took her hand in his, and was struck by how tiny her hand was. His hand felt like a massive paw covering hers. He shook her hand as gently as he knew how, afraid he might break it. “Drew, Drew Shepaski. I’m the principal, I guess.” He blinked, well aware that he must look like a thundering oaf to a woman so petite, so lively and so…pretty.
          “Well, if you aren’t, then you have some explaining to do to the school board!” She giggled, hiding her mouth behind her tiny hand, her dark blue eyes snapping with mischief.  “Let me show you around.”
          “Oh, okay. I mean, sure.”   If I stop saying words, maybe she will stop looking at me like I’m a moron.
          “Come on. It’s a short tour, but I promise you’ll drink some really terrible coffee at the end.” Joanna laughed again and led the way out of the room.
          “Well, only if it’s really terrible.” There, that seemed sort of funny.
          “It will be, I promise. The worst.” Joanna pointed to the rooms as they walked down the hallway. “First grade, that’s Tina. She’s the school art teacher. Don’t let her EVER make coffee if she’s done a project involving paste.”
          “Why not?”
          Joanne made a sour face and gave an exaggerated shudder. “Trust me. Oh, and Mrs. King teaches Kindergarten. She’s the pastor’s wife next door.”
          “We’ve met.”
          “Ah.” Joanna wrinkled her nose. “So you know. Bonus, she’s on the school board.”
          “Isn’t that a conflict of interest?”
“Some might think so, but no one questions Mrs. King.  Everyone’s pretty much afraid of her.” She kept a completely serious face for about a heartbeat and then burst out laughing. She pointed out several more classrooms, naming teachers and giving personal history about each teacher until they’d done a loop of the long hallway and were nearly back at his classroom.
           “So what, no fifth grade?”
          “New guy gets a gold star. Nope, we don’t have a fifth grade teacher just yet. Well, I mean we had one last year, obviously. But she got herself pregnant, and married…in that order.” Joanna’s eyes sparkled again as she cocked her head to one side, as if waiting for a response from him.
          Drew swallowed, unsure of what, exactly to say to this pert, pretty girl with the dark auburn hair that seemed to glow in the dim daylight of the hallway.
          Seemingly unphased by his lack of response, Joanna continued. “See, doing things backwards like that, that’s frowned on by the good families of Rock Harbor. Morals clause, you know.”
          Drew nodded. Weirdest thing I ever had to sign in a teaching contract. Felt like Sunday school with all the “You will not’s.”
          “So anyway, she moved away because…of the shame…” Joanna whispered the last words, her eyes sparkling with suppressed mirth. “And, here we are, mid July, hoping against hope that some teacher will magically drop out of the sky to fill the position. “ She shrugged.  “The sixth grade teacher is ready to take on two grades. Meanwhile, we wait.”
          Drew followed Joanna through the last door in the hall, the teachers’ lounge. This was a wide room that covered most of the very end of the building. The principals’ office, his office, took up the corner nearest the door, and was a sort of pass through room to his classroom. He glanced in the office, noting the partition windows in his office gave the room the feel of a guard shack at a POW camp.
          “Sorta like an air traffic controllers’ space, isn’t it?” Joanna picked up a coffee mug from the wide table beneath the window opposite of Drew’s office. “You can watch your classroom and the teachers all at the same time.”
          The description fits my line of thinking far better than yours. “It’s an interesting floor plan.”
          “The office was added way after these two rooms were built. This room and yours were actually the original school like a hundred years ago. Here,” she handed a steaming cup of coffee. “The office was added when this room became the teachers’ lounge and we realized that a principal might just need an office, like everyone else.”
          Drew held the coffee cup up, pausing before drinking out of a mug that looked more like a yard sale reject.
          “I know. Ugliest cups on earth. But what can you say? Everyone cleans out their kitchens and says, ‘Well, those nice teachers, they always need coffee cups.’  The result is we’re loaded with ugly coffee cups.”
          She sat down on a lumpy brown couch that also resembled many yard sales gems Drew recalled from his childhood. “Come on. You must have some questions.”
          Drew pulled a hard wooden chair up to a table loaded down with stacks of construction paper and jars of paste. He took a sip of coffee and nearly spat it out. “Wow…”
          Joanna laughed out loud as she stirred several teaspoons of sugar into her own cup. “I told you, terrible coffee.”
          “You drink this? Every day?” Drew ran his tongue on the inside of his mouth, trying to clean away the black, bitter taste.
          Joanna nodded. “Actually, with enough sugar and some of this,” she held up a canister of what looked like powdered coffee creamer. “It’s not quite as terrible. That and you’ll get used to it.”
          Drew doubted both points.
          Joanna sat across the table and took another sip of coffee. Leaning back, she was the very picture of someone completely at ease with herself.   Drew shifted in his chair, a bit uncomfortable as she took a long hard look at him. He wasn’t sure if from her unrelenting inspection or his system’s reaction to a second sip of the brutal brew.
          “You’re not much of a talker.”
          The last time I had anything to say to a woman, she rejected my marriage proposal. Doubtful I’ll be making that mistake twice.
          “You should probably know, Drew, I read your file.”
          The third sip of high octane black stuck in his throat. “You did…you what?” He coughed.
          Joanna put a hand on his arm then, and her face settled into an expression far older than her actual age. “Drew, a guy doesn’t leave a job like you did and come here for a simple change of scenery.”
          “Well, I did.”
          “Oh really. You got yourself a job teaching History your first shot out of college at the most prestigious private elementary school on the eastern seaboard.  Shoot, probably the most prestigious school in the country. You finish your masters, start on a doctorate. Couple years go by. You win all sorts of teaching awards. And then, in the middle of what pretty much every teacher on the planet would consider a rock star career, you pull the plug and take a job teaching at a very obscure parochial grade school in a tiny town in the armpit of Wisconsin.”
          “Just which file were you reading?”
          She patted his hand and leaned back, the smile and cheerful glow back on her face. “Okay, I didn’t see your file. I did a web search on you.”
          “Oh, nice to know my life is such an open book, at least on the internet.” And it’s time to change my name and move to an even more obscure place, obviously.
          “So why the turned around? Why take this job?”
          “I love teaching. “ He looked out the window. “I like cows. I was in search of the worst coffee in a teachers’ lounge.”
          Joanna nodded and laughed, but her eyes never left his and Drew shifted again, trying to break away from her direct gaze. “Drew, you do get that I’m like you’re right hand man, right? You’re teaching in the mornings, and I take some of your afternoon classes so you can be all principally.”
          “Wait, you’re a teacher?”
          “I love how the school board is so forthcoming with little things like duties and job descriptions.” Joanna nodded, still smiling. “Yes, I’m a teacher. Teacher, secretary, coach, we all do double and triple duty here, because of all the budget cuts. You’ll be coaching boys’ baseball in the spring…provided…” she frowned.
          The cloud cleared from her face and she smiled again. “Never mind. There are always enough kids for baseball. So unless you get a parent to volunteer for that duty, you’ll be coaching. Best brush up on your batting stance.” She raised an eyebrow at him.
          Drew didn’t want to stare too long at her, but he was certain there was quite a bit she was trying to communicate with him in that look. “Anyway, you were saying about my right hand man?”
“Oh right.  So I’m thinking we should be completely honest with each other.”
          Not likely. Sorry. “Fine.”
          “You probably think I already know everything about you right? And I should tell you a bit about myself?”
          “If you want.” He was amazed at the woman’s power to keep talking.
          Joanne giggled, a girlish, musical sound. “My story is simple. I’m a local girl. My father owned the only barbershop in town until he retired. He and mom tried living in Florida, but the humidity was too much for mom’s arthritis. They live in Arizona now. No brothers or sisters. Guess that’s why I talk to so much. No one told me to be quiet. I’ve wanted to teach here since I was in second grade. I’ve been here two years. I started out as the fourth grade teacher, but as things change, we all have to change with them.” She paused here, giving Drew that expressive look again that confused and interested him at the same time. Rested from her brief stoppage of speech, she continued. “I still live in my parents’ house, out near the highway, but I have a four wheel drive, so I get in here no matter how much snow falls, you don’t have to worry about that.”
          Snow might stop teachers from getting to school? How far in the country am I?   
“My favorite movie of all time is ‘To Kill a Mockingbird,’ “ She cocked her head to one side, chestnut locks falling low over one shoulder. “And no, in answer to your biggest question, I’ve never been in love.”
          Drew nearly dropped the coffee cup. “What? I-“
          Joanna burst out laughing. “I was just checking to see if you were listening! Guess you were.”
          And she’s the one I’m sharing a classroom with? Great…
          Joanna looked at her watch. “Oh, geez. I gotta go. Mrs. King wants to go over the music for the next six Sundays in church and if I’m late for that little summit, we’ll be stuck with her favorite version of “There is a Balm in Gilead,” extra tremolo on the organ settings.” She shuddered and wrinkled her nose again.
          “And that’s a bad thing?”
          Joanna gave him a quirky smile. “You’ll see if you go to services. It’s. The. Worst.” She wrinkled her nose again.

          As she scurried out of the room, Drew leaned back in his chair and watched her go. In the quiet left behind, he realized he liked it when she wrinkled her nose.

Friday, August 29, 2014

The Public has Spoken!

Hello all!

So a couple months ago I ran a bit of a social experiment with the cover of my newest novel, A HERO'S SPARK.  (To purchase this for the Nook, JUST CLICK HERE!)  

This was the original cover:

And this was the new cover.

Then I let the book sit for a couple months.  And guess one bought one single copy.  For two months no one bought a copy of this book.

So, for the past couple weeks I've been relisting all of my books at Barnes and Noble and at Smashwords so that everyone could read them, no matter what the device was.

(By the way...still want to read your books in print?  You can get them at Amazon or CLICK HERE.)

Anyway, in the process of relisting, I changed the cover art for all e-books back to the original cover:  

It was almost magical, because not more than 10 hours later, I'd sold more e-books than I had in the past two months.

So, readers, friends, I can only guess that means one thing:  You aren't looking for steamy and suggestive on the book covers.  You want more detail.  You want a cover that tells a story.

You want a hot looking guy and maybe some dramatic images.

The public has spoken.  (But if you still want the "new" cover, it's still available on Amazon and HERE for the next day or two.)

The public has spoken, the cover has been decided!  Now go forth and read!  (And write!)

Saturday, August 23, 2014

BIG announcement for NOOK users! (And everyone else who doesn't use a Kindle!)

Hello all!

ALL the books in the Wicked Women
Series are on the nook!
Reach for them!
After selling my novels exclusively on Amazon the last few months, I decided to branch out.  So, NOOK users (and everyone else who doesn't have a kindle, but likes to read their books on a device) your day is TODAY!

You can catch all of my novels at the Barnes and Noble website by CLICKING HERE!

And if you want my Elsie books, it'll be another day or two, but you'll be able to find them by late tomorrow by CLICKING HERE!

Now, for those of you who like to use a device that's NOT a Nook or a Kindle...I've got excellent news for you as well!  

For everything under my Sarah J. Bradley name:  CLICK HERE!
(A Hero's Spark is NOT on this website...yet.  But give me a day or two.)
Find out what's so funny about Elsie W!

For everything under my Sarah Jayne Brewster name: CLICK HERE!

It is my promise to Kindle users, Nook users, e-reader users (of which I am one) I-everything users that for as long as I control my books, my e-books will NEVER be more than $2.99.  That is my pledge to you!

So, by the end of the weekend everything I've ever published is going to be available to everyone who reads on a device and it's all going to be $2.99 or less.


Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Fight for your right to read!

Friends, whether you know it or not, a revolution has been brewing in the print/publish industry.  I often liken it to the invention of the Gutenberg printing press back in the 1400's, because not since that invention, which brought books out of the libraries of the wealthy and into the hands of the masses has there been an printing issue as important as this.

You all know I'm an independent author, that I e-publish through Amazon and other such sites.  There are those forces, those people in the industry who do not believe that anyone has the right to share their stories or their knowledge with the world. There are those who believe only traditional publishers should be allowed to pick and chose not only what is read, but who gets to read it.

Right now electronic books are being sold for low prices, making books cheap and easy for anyone with an electronic device to read.  I believe books should be cheap, that reading is a RIGHT for everyone and that a society that thinks of reading and books as being something "special" or something only SOME people can do and have is a society falling backwards into the Dark Ages.

Below is a letter I received from Amazon regarding a massive lawsuit between Amazon, who has been a great friend of independent authors, and those forces who would prices e-books out of reach for many readers.

Don't be fooled by the argument that low book prices mean low wages for authors. That is not the case.  I have been traditionally published and I have e-pubbed and I can tell you I'd rather have 70% of $2.99 or lower and sell more copies of my books than get 30% of a higher price and have no one buy my book. We authors make more money if we sell more books.  It's that simple Basically, higher prices hurt independents like people, the authors traditional publishes won't publish because they won't take a chance on independent thought and fresh voices.

Please read and email the Hachette group.  Stand with me and the thousands of other independent voices that will be silenced and the millions of readers that will be denied.

Thank you!

Dear KDP Author,

Just ahead of World War II, there was a radical invention that shook the
foundations of book publishing. It was the paperback book. This was a time when
movie tickets cost 10 or 20 cents, and books cost $2.50. The new paperback cost
25 cents – it was ten times cheaper. Readers loved the paperback and millions of
copies were sold in just the first year.

With it being so inexpensive and with so many more people able to afford to buy
and read books, you would think the literary establishment of the day would have
celebrated the invention of the paperback, yes? Nope. Instead, they dug in and
circled the wagons. They believed low cost paperbacks would destroy literary
culture and harm the industry (not to mention their own bank accounts). Many
bookstores refused to stock them, and the early paperback publishers had to use
unconventional methods of distribution – places like newsstands and drugstores.
The famous author George Orwell came out publicly and said about the new
paperback format, if “publishers had any sense, they would combine against them
and suppress them.” Yes, George Orwell was suggesting collusion.

Well… history doesn’t repeat itself, but it does rhyme.

Fast forward to today, and it’s the e-book’s turn to be opposed by the literary
establishment. Amazon and Hachette – a big US publisher and part of a $10
billion media conglomerate – are in the middle of a business dispute about
e-books. We want lower e-book prices. Hachette does not. Many e-books are being
released at $14.99 and even $19.99. That is unjustifiably high for an e-book.
With an e-book, there’s no printing, no over-printing, no need to forecast, no
returns, no lost sales due to out of stock, no warehousing costs, no
transportation costs, and there is no secondary market – e-books cannot be
resold as used books. E-books can and should be less expensive.

Perhaps channeling Orwell’s decades old suggestion, Hachette has already been
caught illegally colluding with its competitors to raise e-book prices. So far
those parties have paid $166 million in penalties and restitution. Colluding
with its competitors to raise prices wasn’t only illegal, it was also highly
disrespectful to Hachette’s readers.

The fact is many established incumbents in the industry have taken the position
that lower e-book prices will “devalue books” and hurt “Arts and Letters.”
They’re wrong. Just as paperbacks did not destroy book culture despite being ten
times cheaper, neither will e-books. On the contrary, paperbacks ended up
rejuvenating the book industry and making it stronger. The same will happen with

Many inside the echo-chamber of the industry often draw the box too small. They
think books only compete against books. But in reality, books compete against
mobile games, television, movies, Facebook, blogs, free news sites and more. If
we want a healthy reading culture, we have to work hard to be sure books
actually are competitive against these other media types, and a big part of that
is working hard to make books less expensive.

Moreover, e-books are highly price elastic. This means that when the price goes
down, customers buy much more. We've quantified the price elasticity of e-books
from repeated measurements across many titles. For every copy an e-book would
sell at $14.99, it would sell 1.74 copies if priced at $9.99. So, for example,
if customers would buy 100,000 copies of a particular e-book at $14.99, then
customers would buy 174,000 copies of that same e-book at $9.99. Total revenue
at $14.99 would be $1,499,000. Total revenue at $9.99 is $1,738,000. The
important thing to note here is that the lower price is good for all parties
involved: the customer is paying 33% less and the author is getting a royalty
check 16% larger and being read by an audience that’s 74% larger. The pie is
simply bigger.

But when a thing has been done a certain way for a long time, resisting change
can be a reflexive instinct, and the powerful interests of the status quo are
hard to move. It was never in George Orwell’s interest to suppress paperback
books – he was wrong about that.

And despite what some would have you believe, authors are not united on this
issue. When the Authors Guild recently wrote on this, they titled their post:
“Amazon-Hachette Debate Yields Diverse Opinions Among Authors” (the comments to
this post are worth a read).  A petition started by another group of authors and
aimed at Hachette, titled “Stop Fighting Low Prices and Fair Wages,” garnered
over 7,600 signatures.  And there are myriad articles and posts, by authors and
readers alike, supporting us in our effort to keep prices low and build a
healthy reading culture. Author David Gaughran’s recent interview is another
piece worth reading.

We recognize that writers reasonably want to be left out of a dispute between
large companies. Some have suggested that we “just talk.” We tried that.
Hachette spent three months stonewalling and only grudgingly began to even
acknowledge our concerns when we took action to reduce sales of their titles in
our store. Since then Amazon has made three separate offers to Hachette to take
authors out of the middle. We first suggested that we (Amazon and Hachette)
jointly make author royalties whole during the term of the dispute. Then we
suggested that authors receive 100% of all sales of their titles until this
dispute is resolved. Then we suggested that we would return to normal business
operations if Amazon and Hachette’s normal share of revenue went to a literacy
charity. But Hachette, and their parent company Lagardere, have quickly and
repeatedly dismissed these offers even though e-books represent 1% of their
revenues and they could easily agree to do so. They believe they get leverage
from keeping their authors in the middle.

We will never give up our fight for reasonable e-book prices. We know making
books more affordable is good for book culture. We’d like your help. Please
email Hachette and copy us.

Hachette CEO, Michael Pietsch:

Copy us at:

Please consider including these points:

- We have noted your illegal collusion. Please stop working so hard to
overcharge for ebooks. They can and should be less expensive.
- Lowering e-book prices will help – not hurt – the reading culture, just like
paperbacks did.
- Stop using your authors as leverage and accept one of Amazon’s offers to take
them out of the middle.
- Especially if you’re an author yourself: Remind them that authors are not
united on this issue.

Thanks for your support.

The Amazon Books Team

P.S. You can also find this letter at

Friday, August 8, 2014

When it's not writer's's writer's burn...

Good evening!

After finishing A Hero's Spark I was super duper completely excited to get to work on my new inspirational mystery series starring Nora Hill.  I was on a roll.  I'd just finished a novel, I built a website and I was ready to break into a new market. And I started writing.  In fact, I started two writing projects at the same time, one the mystery series, the other a work place humor follow up to my Elsie W. books.

That was eight weeks ago.  I even, in June, went to a meeting with the Mad City Romance Writers, a group I hadn't seen in eons, and had a blast at one of their write ins.  It was fun catching up.

And then...

Well, and then nothing.

Here's the thing:  when you're a writer, (and this is true for any writers, not just e-pubs who seem to have to crank out more material because the best way to market is to, as J.A. Konrath says, just keep writing, but for everyone), you need some down time.  After a book is done, it's just good for your health to take some time and breath. Not think about loose ends or plot points, or your B character's middle name.  But when you're an e-pub person, then you're doing all the marketing for a new book as well and launching a book on your own is sort of like giving birth without anyone handing you ice chips.  (The women reading this will get that.)

So, it's been eight weeks since I've looked at either manuscript.  Oh, I've blogged.  I blog every week.  I've updated my Face Book pages, and I've made my website (check it by clicking here) super cute.

But I haven't written a word.

Summer is drawing to a close, and I can't even fathom that.  Where did summer go?  When I was a kid summer lasted for ever, long enough for us to be bored enough to want to go back to school.  But now, summer is just a collection of social stuff we have to do in addition to our regular work/kids/chores/church life that we had going the other nine months of the year.  

I should feel guilty about not writing, but I don't.  It's felt good, sitting in a swing in my front yard sipping ice water and watching people let their dogs pee on the tree in front of my house.  It's been nice spending time with my kids late at night watching weird stuff on Netflix and eating pizza.  It's been peaceful enjoying the Tour de France every night for three weeks with my husband.  I know, skinny European guys on bikes...who knew?

But fall is coming.  Even though my youngest only really has one year left of school, it's a mark of time few can ignore.  School starts, everyone goes back to normal lives and for me that means writing again.  I still hope to have at least one of the projects I started in May be done in December, but if they aren't then what, I'm going to stop writing?  

So friends, sometimes if you can't seem to get the energy to sit down and write, it's not writer's block.  Sometimes it's really writer's burn.  That's when you have to give yourself permission to take some time and breath.  It's okay.  The reading public will still be out there when you come back.

Friday, August 1, 2014

How do you read your books?

Good afternoon all!

This really is an amazing time for readers.  More authors, more voices, more stories than ever before are getting out into the public thanks in large part to electronic publishing.  But how many readers are using the new technology?

I have one of the original Sony e-readers.  I have a few books loaded on it, but honestly, I don't use it.  I like it.  I love the idea of the space it saves me, but I don't take the time to charge it, mostly because I'm charging my phone, my iPod, my laptop.  So, when I think about it and use I like it, but I don't use it that much.

Today's readers are far more advanced and way easier to handle.  The strides the Kindle, especially, has made in the field is magnificent.  You can read a book a very nearly any hand held device, including your phone.  

With the ability to read a book on a device we always have with us, we of course are reading more than ever, right?  We're storing books on our tiny devices and not dragging heavy print books around with us.  The demise and down sizing of many book retailers would seem to suggest just that.

But are we really?  I have more space devoted in my house to books than I do any other kind of media, and I'm a complete DVD hoarder.  I have three full sized book cases, two shorter book cases, and several plastic storage bins full of books I simply can't bear to part with.  I am the person who goes to the second hand book store to gobble up anything in print at a bargain price.  I buy them, I read them, I shelve them.  A couple times a year, I take a box to the half price book place and sell them to the store for pocket change.

What is it about the printed book that we cannot let go of?

The music industry has gone through its revolution.  Music is all but completely digital now.  The resistance, mostly my twenty year old son, buys RECORDS, and there are some big box stores that still supply CDs to the listening public, but really, for practical purposes, music is digital.

Movies are fast going that way as well.  Why waste storage space in your house when you can have all your movies stored in "the cloud?"  (I don't trust the cloud.  I like dvd and blue ray disks I understand them,  I trust them.)

Books are the last media hold out.  When the e-reader fist came out my thought was, "This will solve the back pack problem."  You remember, when parents were screaming about how their kids' backpacks were too heavy with text books.  I thought e-readers would be perfect for that, but never really for the casual
book reader.

Funny, the textbook companies don't seem to care much about kids' backpacks, and school districts haven't all figured out how to use technology like this to their advantage.  Two years ago my daughter's school finally rolled out iPads to the students.  But long before our school district got on board, I, and others like me, were publishing novels for the readers and normal, middle aged women like me were reading scandalous books on our devices.

I'm not here to stir the pot today or talk about what's write and wrong in publishing.  I just want to know:

How do you read your books?


Kindle?  Nook?  E-reader?  some other device?

Do you wait for the movie to come out?

How do you read your books?  I'd love to hear from you!

Reviews you can use: "Chicago 7" and "Sound of Metal"

  Good morning all! Well it's Oscar day.  Up until this very moment, The Oscars broadcast was a sort of "other Superbowl" for ...