Friday, August 29, 2014

The Public has Spoken!

Hello all!

So a couple months ago I ran a bit of a social experiment with the cover of my newest novel, A HERO'S SPARK.  (To purchase this for the Nook, JUST CLICK HERE!)  

This was the original cover:

And this was the new cover.

Then I let the book sit for a couple months.  And guess one bought one single copy.  For two months no one bought a copy of this book.

So, for the past couple weeks I've been relisting all of my books at Barnes and Noble and at Smashwords so that everyone could read them, no matter what the device was.

(By the way...still want to read your books in print?  You can get them at Amazon or CLICK HERE.)

Anyway, in the process of relisting, I changed the cover art for all e-books back to the original cover:  

It was almost magical, because not more than 10 hours later, I'd sold more e-books than I had in the past two months.

So, readers, friends, I can only guess that means one thing:  You aren't looking for steamy and suggestive on the book covers.  You want more detail.  You want a cover that tells a story.

You want a hot looking guy and maybe some dramatic images.

The public has spoken.  (But if you still want the "new" cover, it's still available on Amazon and HERE for the next day or two.)

The public has spoken, the cover has been decided!  Now go forth and read!  (And write!)

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