Thursday, May 14, 2015

10 Questions with Author Kathie Giorgio!

Good morning!  

Yesterday I posted a review of Kathie Giorgio's masterful new novel, "Rise from the River."  

Today we get to know the author herself a bit better with my TEN QUESTIONS!  (Cue dramatic music!)

1)  Tell us about the book! What would you like readers to take away from Rise from the River?

That there is no issue on this earth that is black and white. No single thing is always right and no single thing is always wrong. All possibilities and cases have to be considered. I also want them to take away that there is a whole lot more going on in rape's aftermath than they ever imagined.    

2) What, if any, book, movie, song or character inspired you to write?
Write the book?  Or write in general?  I suppose either way, the answer is the same.  None.  I started to write because I was driven to.  And I write still because I'm driven to.  The inspiration comes from inside.  

 3)  Best/worst movie based on a book :

Best:  "Feast of Love" by Charles Baxter

Worst:  "Hotel New Hampshire" by John Irving 

4) Do you write with a soundtrack for whatever you're working on, or do you write in complete silence?
A little of both.  When I'm writing a novel, I assign it a song.  Every day when I sit down to write, I play that song first.  It gets me back into the world of the book, just like the bell made Pavlov's dogs drool.  Once the song is done and I'm ready to write, I write in silence.  For "Rise From The River", the song was "The Scientist" by Cold Play.   

5) When do you find time to write? What's your schedule like?

Because of AllWriters', where I teach 85 hours a week, my time is limited and I guard it like a rabid lion.  I'm an afternoon writer.  I meet with clients in the morning.  Then I'm at my desk for writing around 1:00. I work until it's time to pick up my daughter from school at 2:30.  She is fourteen, so when I bring her home, she disappears into her room and I return to writing.  I work until 5:00, when I start meeting with clients again, and then I usually teach a class from 7 - 9. I sometimes have a late-night client, but otherwise, I work on critiquing manuscripts until around two in the morning. Then sleep.  

6) What are you reading right now? 
I am reading Anne Tyler's "A Spool Of Blue Thread".

7) Starbucks or Caribou coffee?  
Starbucks. Grande cinnamon dolce latte.  Iced when it's hot, extra hot when it's cold. The baristas at my store recognize the sound of my car engine over the drive thru speaker. 

8) Who would play you in a movie about your life?
Meryl Streep, of course.
 9) What's next for you?

Since finishing Rise From The River, I've been working primarily on short stories.  Because I've appeared in over 100 literary magazines, I'd like to put together a collection.  "The Collected Works of Kathie Giorgio" sort of thing.  But I have three other novels I'd like to write. One in particular is calling my name and I'm planning on starting it as soon as I finish the story I'm currently working on. 

10.) Anything more?
The best advice I can give to writers: Get out of your own way.  We all give excuses about why we can't find the time to write.  We have children.  We have spouses. We have jobs. We need to sleep.  The laundry needs to be done.  We must itemize our spice racks. 
Sit down and write.  Your children and spouse will not only survive, but they will be happier because you'll be happier.  You'll have more energy for your job.  You can sleep when you die.  There's nothing wrong with turning your underwear inside out.  In the end, who cares if you use chili powder or cinnamon. 

Thank you so much, Kathie, for joining us for the last two days!  As for the rest of you, go and get this book right now!

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