Monday, October 14, 2019

Nanowrimo is coming up and I have a NEW PROJECT!

Hello all!

Well it's that time of year again, the time when writers and authors all over gather to speed write a novel in a month.  Some might argue this is a futile activity: you cannot write a novel in a month.

No, you cannot. 

BUT, you can force yourself to learn the discipline and work it takes to crank out 50,000 words in 30 days.  And that's what National Novel Writing Month (Nanowrimo) is all about.  Pushing yourself as a writer to sit down and produce words.  Sure, you may not like the words once it's over, but by the end of November perhaps you will learn, or remind yourself, that novels don't just happen, you actually need to sit down and work.

That's why I participate almost every year. And this year I'm very excited to announce my project. I've already gotten a tiny start on it, but I did manage to craft a book cover, which is usually the biggest motivation for me.  Here it is:

I'm extra jazzed about this project because it's the first one in a VERY long time that isn't attached to a series. It's a book, actually a melding of two books, I've had rolling around in my head for more than 15 years.  Plus, it's a complete departure for me in terms of genre. I'm moving into a sort of psychological thriller fantasy direction.  Think, "Psycho" meets "Fantasy Island" meets "Snapped."

So okay all you authors who are struggling to get something done, okay all you writers who want to finish something, this is your time!  Signing up is FREE...(donations are appreciated and Nano has a fun little shop for you online shoppers!)

November 1 is coming up quickly! Get signed up and let's go!

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